Saturday, May 16, 2009

U1 to B2 Instructions

Hi. Your instructions are to tell a friend a story based on our photos in the post below - "U1 Performance". Here is a twist. You will invite your friend to participate by choosing the path that your story will take. Use this diagram to follow the possible paths that the story could take.

Once you understand the diagram, do this:

- Take a friend to a coffee shop and order two beverages of your choice.

- Start the story by telling them about 1. The big game.

- Then ask your friend if they want to learn more about 2. We dreamed or 3. He schemed.

- Tell them something about their choice - the dream or the scheme.

- Using the diagram, repeat this process through all of the images until you reach the END of the story at step 14 or 15.

- Document your telling of the story however you want.

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